TEL Journal

Twice a year the Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL) Journal publishes articles by TELP graduates that share stories of transformative educational practices, positively influence discourse among practitioners and scholars, and support educational transformation in the service of every student in BC and the Yukon.

Spring 2024 Issue

Read here the latest articles written by our TELP graduates.


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Join Indigenous Educator and Leader Heidi Wood in a video of her sharing a shawl she wove as a physical act of her learning and reflections from TELP. In creating this piece, Wood models her own learning and offers an invitation to us to consider how we might best engage authentically in equity work.
In this article, Naomi Ross and Deanna Holitzki offer a map of their district's successful whole scale shift to a literacy coherence model they created as a result of a Spiral of Inquiry into reading data in the primary years.
In this article, Sherri Roche examines our own and our system's propensity for change in dealing head on with the human tendency to stay where things feel comfortable rather than integrate diverse ways of being and lean into the pause of curiosity.
In this video, Mia Moutray shares artwork she painted to tell the story of her thinking about how leadership can make space for youth agency in the work of equity. This visual walk through the Spiral of Inquiry integrates values and goals of equity in a uniquely powerful way.
In this intimate essay, Alice Jungclaus invites readers to walk alongside her in her return to herself and her country during this time of truth and reconciliation.