3 responses to “Tricksters As Transformative Teachers”

  1. Judy Halbert

    Your story is one of powerful transformation. Thanks, Jana.

  2. jody

    Absolutely wonderful reading this Jana. Your story has led me down a path of internal reflection, looking at my own stories and leadership practices, especially with examining the difference between excitement and readiness/plausibility and to ensure balance is there when deciding to take on initiatives. Thank you.
    – Jody

  3. Barb Hamblett

    Jana, I am reading your article again for the second time a few years later. The first time I read it, I loved seeing the connections you had made between the story of Napi and the Kaanaisskiinaiksi and your own learning journey. This time, I am seeing connections between Napi’s story and my own learning journey. Thank you… This article is continuing to resonate with me as a school leader.