Transformative Educational Leadership Journal | ISSUE: Fall 2021
We are very excited to share Unleashing the Power of Transformative Educational Leadership, an independent evaluation of TELP prepared by Dr. Louise Stoll (UCL Institute of Education, London). UBC’s Transformative Educational Leadership Program (TELP) is making a difference for educational leaders across the province.UBC’s Transformative Educational Leadership Program (TELP) is making a difference for educational leaders across the province.
This 10-month, non-credit program is designed for qualified educational leaders committed to engaging in equitable system transformation in their settings. It attracts K – 12 educators, as well as others in connected educational settings. TELP is led by Drs. Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser, and supported by the Professional Development & Community Engagement unit in the Faculty of Education. We are very excited to share Unleashing the Power of Transformative Educational Leadership, an independent evaluation of TELP prepared by Dr. Louise Stoll (UCL Institute of Education, London). Understanding the extraordinary impact of this professional development requires a deep dive into the design, themes, and learning processes that frame the program. Rich learning opportunities are woven throughout the sessions, with participants engaging in collective exploration of current themes and relevant issues in educational leadership for system change. International leaders join the class as guest speakers and quickly become part of the powerful TELP network.Understanding the extraordinary impact of this professional development requires a deep dive into the design, themes, and learning processes that frame the program.Participants learn about the profoundly powerful case studies of local and global leaders and are encouraged to make connections to their own leadership journey and aspirations moving forward. Many districts now send groups of leaders to participate in TELP to promote shared professional development and build on collective agency. The impact study uncovers 10 interconnected “ingredients” in the TELP program that participants have identifies as particularly impactful.
10 interconnected TELP “ingredients”
- Undeviating focus on students
- Themes that truly matter,
- Passionately curious participants
- Real work challenges
- Research infused
- Inspirational stories
- Networked leadership
- Intricately crafted design and resources
- Adaptive and responsive
- Exceptional facilitation
4 key areas of impact
- Connecting with TELP network colleagues across the province
- Further academic extension and access to TELP resources
- Contributing to TELP as facilitators, mentors, and presenters
- Connecting with TELP district colleagues to promote within district networking
Not surprisingly, TELP alumni have expressed an interest in continuing to learn together as a leadership network across the province.UBC’s TELP program has unleashed an extraordinary new network of powerful leaders who are ready for change. The energy and excitement generated by this group of educational leaders continues to grow.
Hear what TELP alumni have to say about the program
“TELP has been a catalyst for transformational change in our district. “ 2017 Graduate “I can see impact and a ripple effect across the province. “ 2018 Graduate “I am more courageous in my leadership and clearer on how to support and lead innovative practices. “ 2019 GraduateView the TELP Impact Report 2021

Learn more about this important impact study on the TELP website: For further information about the Transformative Educational Leadership Program, please contact: | @UBCtelp