TELP Graduates 2019-2020

Meet the Graduates of the 5th TELP cohort!

Rebecca Bayda

Kindergarten Teacher
053 Okanagan Similkameen

TELP challenged and stretched my thinking, and afforded me the opportunity to collaborate and learn with passionate and inspiring change makers from around the province. TELP offered remarkable professional learning through relevant research, notable live case study presenters, and learning from influential leaders and experts in education today.

Jody Billingsley

037 Delta

The TELP journey experience is nothing short of transformational. The collaborative nature of the program, the living leadership case studies, the purposeful and applicable aspects of the articles, and the deep reflections on personal leadership practices are invaluable. Coupled with social justice, a deep understanding of system change surfaces.

Kent Brewer

District Principal - International Education
073 Kamloops/Thompson

Regardless of your leadership position, the TELP program will expand your knowledge base and offer a systematic approach to transforming education. You will be exposed to world class presenters who never lose sight of doing the right thing to support student learning.

Claire Clancy

District Principal-Learning Services-Inclusive Learning
037 Delta

TELP has given me the opportunity to have the time and space to think and reflect on my practice alongside a diverse and curious group of leading learners and educators. The rich discussion coupled with the opportunity to learn from some of the top thinkers in education whether it be the guest speakers or articles we explore has truly been a gift.

Neder Dhillon

Assistant Superintendent (Acting)
036 Surrey

TELP has been a wonderful experience. So powerful to learn with and from educational leaders from BC and beyond. The connections made have stretched my learning and professional growth. The readings were relevant to the work that we are doing in our districts, and to the thinking and conversations we are having about transforming education.

Brooke Douglas

038 Richmond

The TELP program has connected me with leaders across the province, broadened my perspective on education and challenged my assumptions about my role in the field. I have left the program with great hope for all the bright thinking my TELP classmates are taking to their districts and the amazing opportunities that lie in store for students.

Roberta Edzerza

District Principal, Aboriginal Education
052 Prince Rupert

I thoroughly enjoyed the deeper learning during my experience at TELP. The special guests that Judy and Linda brought in shared their leadership knowledge and insights. The conversations with the smaller groups were very authentic and relevant to my professional and personal growth.

Terri Farnden

037 Delta

I have learned so much this past year through the provided readings, conversations with classmates, and the living case studies during TELP. I will leave the program aspiring to be a more courageous leader with an even stronger passion for equity.

Nina Ferguson

023 Central Okanagan

TELP has been an exceptional opportunity to network with educators from around the province, explore the most relevant educational research and to reflect on our own practices and leadership opportunities. Judy and Linda have created a space for incredible collaboration, conversation, and reflection. A powerfully influential experience!

Christine Franes

District Principal Learning Services
052 Prince Rupert

TELP has provided my second opportunity to learn with Judy and Linda, and it has been as amazing, rich and engaging as per their style, including an incredible line-up of local and international leaders as speakers. I have enjoyed the program immensely, there has been so much learning for me, including learning with the other TELP participants!

Lindsey Hamilton

Vice Principal
023 Central Okanagan

The Transformative Educational Leadership Program has awakened a passion in me for equity and system change that was not present in me before. I am excited to work alongside my fellow Central Okanagan TELP graduates to continue to improve equity in our system and help to graduate each student with dignity, purpose and options.

Stephen Hardy

036 Surrey

The program was indeed transformative. It was inspiring in the best sense. The program breathed life into my work by providing a clear, thoughtful, sustainable path forward that will improve the lives of all the students in my school. Thanks.

Michael Jaswal

Cambie Secondary School
038 Richmond

The TELP program has been a great experience. The learning has been amazing, it has helped me immeasurable with my personal development. I am especially thrilled with the quality of the guest speakers, they have been informative and inspiring. The workload and the assignments in the program have been reasonable. I loved and enjoyed the challenge!

Brenda Kirsch

023 Central Okanagan

The TELP program has been an invaluable experience for learning, reflecting and networking with a diverse, passionate group of educators. Judy and Linda are amazingly courageous leaders who continually provided opportunities for deep learning. The sense of belonging and excitement to enhance education resonated continually with our group.

Brad Kuhn

Vice Principal
023 Central Okanagan

TELP was an amazing opportunity to collaborate with educators from all over the province, learning alongside one another with amazing living case studies and the most current research articles on education. I thoroughly enjoyed the feedback from Judy and Linda and the sense of team they created.

Sheryl Lindquist

District Principal Curriculum and Instruction
073 Kamloops/Thompson

TELP has been an amazing experience to meet other education leaders in the province who are engaged in great learning projects and opportunities for both students and staff. The rich conversations and excellent presenters make TELP so worthwhile especially with Judy and Linda at the helm.

Joanna Macintosh

037 Delta

Being a part of the TELP experience has profoundly impacted my leadership. Through deep discussion, reflection and learning, I have come to discover my strengths and have distilled who I am as a leader. It has brought the theoretical to my practical. TELP has shown me how to move intentionally in practice grounded in current research.

Tamara Malloff

District Principal, Innovative Learning Services
008 Kootenay Lake

I can’t think of a better program for educational leadership development than UBC TELP. We had access to world-class educational thought leaders and engaged in deep dialogue regarding system change. TELP has certainly transformed me and has strengthened my leadership imperative for equity and innovation.

Victoria McAllister

008 Kootenay Lake

TELP has been an extraordinary gift. It is a beautifully crafted course in leadership transformation of course, but more than that, it is the exposure to deep and challenging thinkers, thoughtful, provoking, individualized feedback from Judy and Linda, and a cohort of supportive, kind, super smart people working in different contexts.

Pete Nuij

District Principal- Human Resources
036 Surrey

The readings were all useful (at times I wish we would spend more time with them), the living case studies were very inspirational and the people were fantastic.

Jill Reid

Baker Drive Elementary School
043 Coquitlam

TELP gave me the opportunity to think deeply about my purpose as a public school educator. It required me to engage with the latest research and reflect upon my role in growing innovative learning organizations for all in the community. Powerful learning with incredibly experienced and thoughtful colleagues. Very rewarding and positive experience.

Grant Reilly

District Principal, Inclusive Education
073 Kamloops-Thompson

Shauna Ross

Director of Instruction
036 Surrey

I have appreciated engaging in leadership conversations with colleagues around the province and from around the world. I am inspired by their stories of courage, strength, curiousity and focus. The current research has been instrumental and I am thrilled at how all aspects of this program have woven so seamlessly into the work that I do. Thank you!

Andrew Samoil

Superintendent of Schools
052 Prince Rupert

The TEL Program provides a series of lectures, readings, and discussions with nationally recognized leaders that will challenge you to think about how you will shape educational programs to prepare students for the 21st century.

Rachael Sdoutz

073 Kamloops/Thompson

I'm very grateful for the opportunity to be a participant in the TELP 5 cohort. The collaboration and learning opportunities with other leaders across the Province were incredible. The Spiral framework and Decision making framework both provided me a structure to organize my thoughts and processes to support change and growth in my school context

Rena Sweeney

Principal, Port Hardy Secondary School
085 Vancouver Island North

I appreciated the opportunity to connect with such inspirational leaders, and to really dig into research and big ideas that have the power to transform our system.

Janet Thompson

Adolescent Learning Coordinator (Social Studies & English Focus)
037 Delta

TELP opened up a whole new world of leadership scholarship for me. Our readings were current and our speakers engaging. I experienced powerful learning with passionate educators from around the province and left every single session feeling optimistic, energized and ready for more.

Braunwyn Thompson

District Administrator - Welcome Centre and Central Registration
038 Richmond

The TEL program has been an outstanding opportunity for connecting with educational leaders from across the province. Judy and Linda curated a wonderful collection of material and guest speakers that truly sparked deep thinking, reflection and inquiry. It has been such a privilege to learn alongside the TELP 5 group and I am so grateful!

Tim Van Brummelen

Rose Valley Elementary
023 Central Okanagan

The breadth of research, the inspiring relationships, and the connected leadership of Judy and Linda in TELP have created an environment where transformational educational leadership in BC has flourished! TELP has been instrumental in helping me and many leaders recalibrate and point directly towards a bright and prosperous future for BC students.

Jacquie von Schulmann

Vice Principal
037 Delta

TELP will inspire and ignite! Through the Living Case Studies, readings and Judy and Linda’s sheer enthusiasm and passion for what they do, you will learn to look through an Appreciative Lens and reflect on your own practice, values and moral compass. Continuous curiosity, deep learning, learners at the centre, taking action-This is TELP.