Meet the graduates of the 8th TELP cohort!

Scott Brown
Vice Principal | Central Okanagan
“A plan does not drive results…ACTIONS drive results”, This is one of many motivational quotes and insights from our guest speakers, facilitators and group discussions, that still guide me in my learning and leading. I continually return to my notes, readings and especially the personal and professional connections created with my TELP members.

Nolan Cox
District Principal | Sea to Sky
The Transformative Educational Leadership Program definitely lived up to it’s name. I am grateful for the opportunity the school district, and all the folks involved in the program, have provided. The impact TELP has had on my learning has been profound and certainly transformative and have recommended this program to many of my colleagues.

Kandi-Lee Crooks-Smith
Vice Principal | Gold Trail
Through TELP I had the opportunity to form deep, meaningful connections through catalytic affiliations. The readings complemented the infectious passion of the presenters. As a learning-leader, I am encouraged to activate and facilitate the prior knowledge that comes packaged as my learners. TELP is my Ubuntu.

John Cunnian
Principal | Nanaimo-Ladysmith
TELP is truly a transformative educational experience which pushes your thinking on a diverse number of topics pertinent to school administration. It provided great tools to help me lead my school and I made great connections with colleagues throughout the program.

Colleen DeVeyrac
Principal | Gold Trail
I have learned many things as the year has progressed with TELP. My key takeaway is that we can’t do this job on our own. We must be willing to get out of our comfort zone and find like minded individuals to seek new and innovative ways to engage student’s in their own learning. Networks can be the key to success.

Ben Eaton
Director of Instruction – Innovative Learning | Kootenay Lake
I have been applying and sharing my learnings from TELP towards ongoing support for continuous improvement for all learners through our new school learning plan framework. Our school planning process will continue to be refined and developed to reflect the Board of Education’s new Strategic Plan. I would highly recommend the TELP experience!

Tom Eccleston
Vice Principal | Okanagan Similkameen
TELP offered a tremendous mental boost and has inspired and motivated me to think more deeply about what I think I know, what I’m learning about, and what others’ knowledge and perspectives mean to me. I’ve re-kindled my passion for research while creating new friendships and deepening my relations with powerful thinkers and doers.

Joshua Gutknecht
Vice Principal | Vernon
Being a part of the 8th TELP Cohort was an experience I will never forget. It was such an honor, privilege, and joy to take part in this incredible learning journey. For those considering taking TELP, I highly recommend it! “Leave others better than when you found them.” Judy and Linda, you epitomize this quote for me. So grateful for you both!

Kelly Hall
Principal |
Linda and Judy, huy ch q’u, for this powerful inspirational program. I am honoured and grateful I was able to be apart of this wonderful program! huy tseep q’u!!

Deanna Holitzki
Director of Instruction – Equity, Inclusion, Diversity | Kootenay Lake
TELP has inspired me to reflect deeply, scan broadly, research reflectively, and commit thoughtfully to learners and their families. I have honed my purpose in education and in society, and have developed a stronger voice as an educator, ally, and social justice activist working to transform current colonial systems. Thank you TELP 8!

Jenelle Kresak
Vice Principal | Sea to Sky
TELP has been an incredible way for me to reflect on my own practice as a leader and grow to become a better educator. The readings and living case studies provided current best practices and made me think deeply about my role as a leader.

Mika Livingston
Principal | Richmond
TELP has been an amazing opportunity to learn from and alongside thoughtful, impactful leaders from all around the province. The living case studies were inspiring, and the readings and discussions deepened my perspective and understanding of systems thinking in relation to our work as educators. It is an honour to be part of this network.

Katrina Lowe
Principal | Sea to Sky
The kindredness that Catherine McGregor speaks about in Catalytic Affiliations is the power of the network for me. It is what has allowed me to solidify my own thinking. This whole year has been full of new learning that has guided me in so many ways and now I can see a path forward.

Moira Manthorne
Principal | Vernon
TELP offers a busy person the chance to stop and take time to enjoy learning. A chance to reflect and to have serious conversations with great thinkers. We are able to read up to date research from around the world.

Jamie McEvoy
Vice Principal | Central Okanagan
Guided by current readings, case studies, and conversations with people in the field, TELP has set a course of how I want to lead my school. The spirals of inquiry have laid out a framework to create an innovative learning environment to ensure success for all learners. Collaborative inquiry is a game changer for me in my leadership role.

Laura McEwan
Principal |
TELP was a wonderful and transformative experience. I’m grateful for the opportunity to engage in rich conversations, deep thinking, and collective meaning making. It was a powerful and empowering year. Thank you!

Diane McGonigle
District Principal of Early Learning and Care | Nanaimo-Ladysmith
TELP provided an opportunity to delve deeper into inquiry and reflect on my ‘why’. I enjoyed the opportunity to learn from inspiring speakers, current readings, and both whole and small group discussions with colleagues around the province. Reminders of the connection between the heart and mind and the power of story were two key take-always for me.

Lauren Neufeld
Indigenous Student Success Coordinator | Delta
I have learned how important belonging is for learning. I have felt a sense of belonging to this TELP 8 group that has brought me to many ah-ha moments along the way. I am so grateful.

Lisa Pedersen-Skene
District Principal Early Learning and Childcare | Comox Valley
Engaging with current research, listening to diverse speakers and learning from colleagues TELP has allowed me to move forward confidently on a path of transformational leadership. Judy and Linda’s unwavering commitment to equity, inclusivity, and boundless possibilities opens doors for learners of all ages to thrive and succeed.

Jacquie Poulin
Assistant Superintendent – Elementary | Nanaimo-Ladysmith
Thank you for the opportunity to network with individuals around the province on important educational leadership themes. The provincial and international lens helped to provoke my thinking and has had me be more reflective of my practice.

Joanne Rooney
Principal | Richmond

Michael Seitzinger
Principal | Gold Trail
TELP was such a rich experience for my professional learning and growth. “We are better together” has been an invaluable message throughout this year of learning. I have so much appreciated our time together learning from the case studies, guest speakers, readings, reading groups, colleagues, and of course, Linda and Judy. Thank you!

Dawn Snell
Principal | Kootenay Lake
TELP was a wonderful experience in collaboration, networking and deeper learning. The case studies and readings were rich opportunities to pause and reflect on my own practice and leadership journey. It shifted my thinking in a profound way regarding systemic change and equitable access. I am also very grateful for the new collegial connections!

Kerri Steel
Director of Instruction – Inclusive Education | Nanaimo-Ladysmith
Through TELP I have a deeper understanding not only of inquiry, but also how to harness the power of catalytic affiliation – I have grown my own network, I better understand the work that is being done across the province, and I am excited to harness the power of story to deepen the work to come in my own setting.

Geoff Steel
Principal | Nanaimo-Ladysmith
TELP has been a very energizing experience for me this year and helped me learn from the best when it comes to authentic inquiry. Being able to learn and network with such a diverse group of educators across the province has been a highlight. Blending the TELP Course into what you are already passionate about is my recommendation!

Sara Tyson
Principal | Nanaimo-Ladysmith
This past year has been a truly remarkable journey of learning and growth as a leader. I would highly recommend the TELP program to anyone wishing to make lasting change in education and grow connections. The TELP program tought me to rely on patience and critical thinking, to let ideas evolve and change as more knoweldge becomes available.

Jasmeet Virk
Vice Principal | Central Okanagan
My main takeaway from TELP:
Achieving learner agency through diversity, identity, respect, and purpose is not a gradual, natural process but a deliberate act- achieved through new professional learning and intentional design.

Wennie Walker
District Principal | Richmond
TELP reminds us how critical it is to understand the perspectives and needs of those we lead in order to create a culture of trust and collaboration. The live case studies emphasized the importance of clear communication and to take action to drive results in EDII. Judy and Linda, thank you for inspiring us to embrace the meaning of ohana.

Lindsey Watford
Vice Principal | Nanaimo-Ladysmith
TELP provides a platform of knowledge and resources to become effective leaders by encouraging collaboration and networking among educators as well as promoting a supportive community of practice enabling educators to adapt to changing educational landscapes to effectively address complex challenges.

Troy White
District Principal of Learning Technology Services | Central Okanagan
I am grateful to Judy and Linda for their exceptional leadership and unwavering guidance during my TELP journey. The profound conversations with my dedicated TELP8 colleagues and the thought-provoking case studies presented by amazing and courageous educational leaders have been a tremendous source of inspiration. What a rich experience!

Ken Wiens
Principal | Southeast Kootenay
Through partaking in the TELP program, my reflections on my own role in educations was expanded and deepened. It help me look at education systems through a wider lens and gave me a better understanding on what it takes to make changes within the education system.